— Software Developer

John Galang

I build stylish and adaptive websites on the internet

About Me

Full-stack Software Developer with 3 years of experience specializing in TypeScript and modern web technologies. Proven track record in spearheading projects, implementing new features, and optimizing software for efficiency.

Work Experience

Software Developer, SuiteSpot Technology (September 2022 - Present)

Node JS Developer, 2 Dam Creative (November 2021 - August 2022)

React Developer, 10x Ventures (June 2021 - October 2021)

Full-Stack Developer, GameMyBiz (October 2020 – May 2021)

Skills and Tools

TypeScript | OOP | React | Angular | Node | Express | Bootstrap & TailWind | MongoDB | Testing

Git | GitHub | Gitlab | Jira | Confluence | Figma

Why hire me?

Team Player

I am easy to work with. I communicate with my teammates to make sure problems are solved and goals are achieved.

Problem Solver

I am thinker who focuses on the problem as stated and tries to synthesize information and knowledge to achieve a solution.

Minimal Supervision

Once it is clear what my objectives are and how the company wants me to execute those objectives, I can do the job.


project 1

Nammi Clothing

Developed a fully functional e-commerce website to showcase my MERN stack skills.

Designed the user interface using React.js as a single-page application. React.js is used to allow create reusable UI components.

Built the RESTful API using Node.js and Express.js for handling HTTP requests and used MongoDB for the database.

React.js, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB

project 2

Reminiscence App

Developed a full-stack MERN application which the user can post their most precious memories.

Engineered the front-end using React.js and Redux for application state management for a more predictable, centralized, and flexible code.

Built the RESTful API using Node.js and Express.js for handling HTTP requests and used MongoDB for the database.

React.js, Redux, Material UI, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB

project 3

FrontEnd Bootcamp

A static website mainly showcasing my skills in HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap.

HTML CSS Bootstrap

Let's work together.

I'm actively looking for opporunities in software development.